Monday, August 31, 2015

How to Start Doing Gymnastics (Part 1)

Gymnastics is a kind of sport that involves a lot of physical activity. It requires a proper amount of fitness in order to be done by an individual properly. Gymnastics can be one of the most fun activity a person can commit too. Not only that, it is also a great exercise, which can improve your fitness on intense levels.

Perhaps you are now starting to get interested with gymnastics and may be wondering how you can start on learning the sport. Below are some of the steps you can follow in order to get started.

(Note: This article will be divided into three parts, and the link for the next part of the article will be provided at the end of this article)



Gymnastics isn’t a kind of sport that you can just learn all by yourself. Yes, you can watch tutorials and educational videos, and you can also read articles about gymnastics in order to learn some of the basics of the sport. However, those things alone are not enough to get to an advanced level. It would be best if you will train with the guidance of a trained professional.


Always remember, any kind of sport, especially gymnastics, is not something that you can rush. You have to take it one step at a time. You cannot just do backflips and somersault at the start of your program. Also, it would be impossible for you to do splits if you are not yet flexible enough. You should inform your teacher of your current fitness level so he/she can adjust the difficulty of your training depending on your current ability and skill set.


If there’s a thing that you could do on your own, it is working on your own flexibility. Never forget to do stretching exercises at your free time in order to improve your flexibility. Being flexible is super important if you want to be good at gymnastics as a lack of flexibility will hinder you from doing certain gymnastic stunts.

Most people thought that being flexible is just being able to kick higher and do splits effortlessly. However, you should never forget to improve the flexibility of your shoulders and especially your back as it will be super important when it comes to gymnastics.


Aside from flexibility, getting strong muscles is also an important part of being a good gymnast. Being able to lift your own body is a must for some of the gymnastics stunts so you should also focus on improving your strength.

Start improving your strength by doing some bodyweight exercises like push-ups, pull-ups and squats. Once you built a good foundation, you can start to move forward on lifting weights. However, if you do begin weight training, never forget to take a day or two off from the gym to let your muscles heal themselves. Resting is as important as training as that is the time where your muscles are growing. Plus, you deserve that rest day after an intense workout!


Always remember these things: if you are too comfortable of doing any tricks, without feeling any kind of fear, there is a high chance that you are going to hurt yourself. Plus being too comfortable will make your training sessions boring. However, if you are too uncomfortable and scared to the point that you’re shaking and hesitating before doing a trick, you are likely to fail and won’t get the trick done. So, you need to learn to be comfortable being uncomfortable – meaning you have to accept if you’re feeling a little nervous. Being a little nervous will make you aware of what you’re doing and will prevent you from being overconfident.

Those are just some of the steps you need in order to get started on learning gymnastics. Stay tuned for the next part of this article (click this link: Should you be looking for a school that teaches gymnastics for kids, I am very glad to tell you that the search is over. Visit the official website of Bianka Panova Academy to learn more about the school and what it can offer for you :)

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